

Capital: Hanoi

Former French colony in so called “French Indochina”

Ho Chi Minh (“The Enlightened One”)- Original name, Nguyen Ai Quoc. Lovingly called "Uncle Ho" by the people.

General Vo Nguyen Giap

Vietminh forces fought the French and defeated the French in a decisive battle at Dien Bien Phu.
The Vietminh used mostly World War 2 kala Japanese weapons and captured French weapons. China sent weapons and equipment to Vietminh forces also.

The 1954 Vietminh victory at Dien Bien Phu causes French forces to withdraw from so called French Indo-China,

North Vietnam and South Vietnam divided along the 17th Parallel in 1954.

Vietcong forces begin guerrilla activities in rural areas of South Vietnam in 1957. The U.S. already had military advisers in South Vietnam, and increased the number of advisers from 650 to 900 in 1961.

02 August 1964 staged Gulf of Tonkin incident giving the U.S. the excuse to openly send combat troops to Vietnam. The U.S.S. Maddox, a U.S. destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin, was supposedly fired upon by two North Vietnamese patrol boats.

The Ho Chi Minh trail was actually a series of clandestine roads and trails

By 1964 there were 270,000 U.S. troops stationed in South Vietnam.

1968 Tet Offensive

Blooming Lotus” tactic

By 1969 there were 550,000 U.S. military personnel in South Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh, “Uncle Ho”, died on 03 September 1969.

In March of 1975 North Vietnamese forces cross the border into South Vietnam and sweep away South Vietnamese forces, entering Saigon on 30 April 1975.

Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City after it was captured by Communist forces.

1978 invasion of Cambodia by Vietnamese forces
1979 invasion of Vietnam by China

Spratly Islands dispute between China, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Brunei.

Vietnam Peoples Army
455,000 active duty military personnel
5,000,000 reserve forces?

SS-1 Scud short range ballistic missiles

Air Force
30,000 personnel

SU-30 fighter aircraft (30)

SU-27 fighter aircraft (15)
MiG-21 fighter aircraft (180)

SU-22 attack aircraft (50)

L-39 trainer/light attack aircraft (26)

Yak-130 trainer aircraft (8 on order)
Yak-52 trainer aircraft (36)
An-26 transport aircraft (20)

An-24 transport aircraft
An-28 light transport aircraft
An-2 light transport aircraft (16)

PZL M28 Skytruck light transport aircraft (1)

Mi-24 attack helicopters (30)
Mi-8 transport helicopters (69)
Mi-17 transport helicopters (66)
Mi-6 heavy transport helicopters
UH-1 utility helicopters (15+)

Ka-32S Helix C helicopters (7)

Dauphin helicopters (4)
AS.350 Ecureuil helicopters (2)
SA.330 Puma helicopters (8)
AS.332 Super Puma helicopters (7)

VNS-41 Light amphibious aircraft. Floatation devices. (Vietnamese made)

HS-6L unmanned aerial vehicle (Vietnamese made)

M-400 unmanned aerial vehicle (Vietnamese made)
M-100CT unmanned aerial vehicle (Vietnamese made)

AV.UAV.S1 unmanned aerial vehicle (Vietnamese made)
AV.UAV.Sunmanned aerial vehicle (Vietnamese made)
AV.UAV.Sunmanned aerial vehicle (Vietnamese made)
AV.UAV.Sunmanned aerial vehicle (Vietnamese made)

Air Defense
S-300 surface-to-air missiles

SA-2 surface-to-air missiles

SA-3 surface-to-air missiles

SA-6 surface-to-air missiles
SA-9 surface-to-air missiles
SA-13 surface-to-air missiles
SA-7 shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles
SA-16 shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles
SA-18 shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles

ZSU-57-2 self propelled 57mm anti-aircraft guns
ZSU-23-4 self propelled 4x23mm anti-aircraft guns

ZU-23 towed 23mm anti-aircraft guns

S-60 towed 57mm anti-aircraft guns
Type 65 towed 37mm anti-aircraft guns
Type 63 towed 37mm anti-aircraft guns

Hai Quan Viet Nam
Vietnam Peoples Navy
42,000 personnel
HQ prefix to vessels (Hai Quan)
Frigates (8)

Corvettes (21)

Submarines (2)
Missile Boats (Osa II Class)

Torpedo Boats (Turya Class and Shershen Class)
Mine Warfare vessels

Patrol Boats
Landing Ships
Landing craft
ST1200 Vietnamese made landing craft?

SS-N-27 Sizzler (3M-54 Klub) anti-ship missiles used on Kilo Class submarines

SS-N-26 Yakhont (P-800 Oniks) anti-ship missiles.
Kh-35UE (SS-N-25 Switchblade) anti-ship missiles can be fired from aircraft, Gepard and Molniya Class ships.
SS-N-3 Shaddock (P-5 Pyatyorka) anti-ship missiles used for coastal defense
SS-N-3b Sepal (P-35B) anti-ship missiles used for coastal defense

SS-N-2 Styx (P-15 Termit) anti-ship missiles used on Tarantul Class vessels

SS-N-25 Switchblade (Kh-35 Uran E) anti-ship missiles

KCT-15 Vietnamese made anti-ship missiles based on the Kh-35

SSC-1 Sepal (SPU-35V Redut) mobile coastal defense anti-ship missile system

4K51 Rubezh  mobile coastal defense anti-ship missile system

SSC-5 (K-300P Bastion P) mobile coastal defense anti-ship missile system (2)

160mm Accular and 306mm EXTRA rockets. Made by the israeli company IMI.

Ka-28 Helix helicopters

Ka-25 Hormone helicopters

Orbiter 2 unmanned aerial vehicles. Made by the israeli company Aeronautics.

Vietnam Peoples Navy pictures

SU-100 self propelled guns

D-44 towed howitzers




Perguruan Tinggi Swasta armored amphibious vehicles

Anti-aircraft guns

Type 53-65 torpedos

Naval Infantry
Brigade 147 (Lu doan 147)

ZIS 3 towed 76mm gun

Matador anti-tank rocket launchers.

Galatz (Galil Sniper) rifles

Tavor TAR-21 assault rifles

Navy Special Forces

126th Special regiment?

Ground Force
450,000 active duty personnel with 5 million in reserve?

T-72 tanks (120)
T-62 tanks (200)
T-54/T-55 tanks (900)

Type 59 tanks (350)
Type 62 tanks
Type 63 light amphibious tanks (Chinese made)

PT-76 light amphibious tanks

PT-85 light amphibious tanks (North Korean made)
BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles
BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles

BTR-80 armored personnel carrier
BTR-70 armored personnel carrier
BTR-60 armored personnel carrier
BTR-50 armored personnel carrier
BTR-152 armored personnel carrier

M113 armored personnel carrier

V150 armored personnel carrier
BRDM-2 armored reconnaissance vehicles

BRDM-1 armored reconnaissance vehicles
RAM-2000 vehicles. Made by the israeli company IAI (Ramta Division)

Perguruan Tinggi Swasta tracked amphibious vehicles
UAZ-469 4x4 wheeled utility vehicles
UAZ-452 4x4 wheeled vans
UAZ-2206 4x4 wheeled vans
UAZ-3741 4x4 wheeled vans
UAZ-3909i 4x4 wheeled ambulance
UAZ-39625 4x4 wheeled vans
UAZ-39094 4x4 wheeled truck
GAZ-66 4x4 wheeled trucks
KrAZ-255 6x6 wheeled trucks
Ural-375 6x6 wheeld trucks
ZIL-130 4x4 wheeled trucks
ZIL-131 6x6 wheeled trucks
ZiS-151 6x6 wheeled trucks
ZIL-157 6x6 wheeled trucks
CA-30 6x6 wheeled trucks (Chinese copy of the ZIL-157)
MAZ-537 heavy transport vehicles.

Army Engineering Corps (Binh Chung Cong Binh)
PMP pontoon bridges with BMK-150 and BMK-130 boats.

ZIL-485 6x6 wheeled amphibious vehicles. Looks similar to the DUKW

Army Aviation
Mi-24 attack helicopters
Mi-6 transport helicopters
Mi-8 transport helicopters
Mi-17 transport helicopters
UH-1 utility helicopters

BM-14 140mm multiple rocket launchers

BM-13 multiple rocket launchers
BM-21 122mm multiple rocket launchers

SU-100 self propelled 100mm guns

2S3 self propelled 152mm howitzers

2S1 self propelled 122mm howitzers

ASU-85 airborne 85mm self propelled guns

M114 towed 155mm howitzers
D-20 towed 152mm howitzers
D-30 towed 122mm howitzers
M-46 towed 130mm guns

M1943 160mm mortars
M1941 (82-PM-41) 82mm mortars

AT-5 Spandrel (9M113) anti-tank guided missiles
B72 anti-tank guided missiles. Vietnamese made copy of the AT-3 Sagger (9M14 Malyutka)

AT-3 Sagger (9K11) anti-tank guided missiles
AT-2 Swatter (3M111) anti-tank guided missiles


Type 69
SPG-9 recoilless rifles

B-11 recoilless rifles
B-10 recoilless rifles

AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers
M79 grenade launchers

GP-25 under barrel grenade launchers
M-203 under barrel grenade launchers

NSV heavy machine guns
DShK heavy machine guns
PKM machine guns
RPK machine guns
RPD machine guns
IMI Negev machine guns
M60 machine guns

SVD Dragunov sniper rifles
SVU sniper rifles

Type 56 assault rifles
AK-74 assault rifles
AKM assault rifles
M-16 assault rifles
Galil assault rifles
AK-74 assault rifles
AKS-74U assault rifles
vz 58 assault rifles
SKS carbines
Type 56 carbines
PM-63 sub-machine guns
MP-5A sub-machine guns
Uzi sub-machine guns
Mini Uzi sub-machine guns
Micro Uzi sub-machine guns
TT-33 pistols
PMM pistols
APS (Stechkin) pistols
CZ-52 pistols

Airborne brigade
With red berets?

Special Forces
Dac Cong

CQ assault rifles (Chinese made copy of the M-16 assault rifle and M-4 carbine)

Uzi sub-machine guns.

Dan Quan Tu Ve Viet Nam (Vietnam Civil Defense Force)
The Civil Defense Force is composed of two elements, Dan Quan Tuc Ve Nong Cot (Core Militia) and the Dan Quan Tu Ve Rong Rai (General Militia)

AKM assault rifles
Type 56 assault rifles
M-16 assault rifles

Vietnam Marine Police (Canh Sat Bien)
Vietnam Coast Guard 

Border Guard
Bo Doi Bien Phong Viet Nam

Cong an Nhan dan Viet Nam (Vietnam Peoples Public Security)

CSCD (Canh Sat Co Dong)- Mobile Police

Dac Nhiem K20 (Task Force K20)- Elite female police unit in the CSCD.

Tong Cuc Tinh Bao or Tong Cuc 2 (TC2)- General Department of Military Intelligence. Responsible for internal and external intelligence.

Vietnam military pictures

Tong Cuc Cong Nghiep Quoc Phong (General Department of Defense Industry)
Factory Z12

Factory Z15
Factory Z111

Factory Z113

Factory Z117
Factory Z121
Factory Z129

Factory Z-173 (Hong Ha shipbuilding company)

Factory X28

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